
Kyralee was diagnosed with Leukemia exactly two weeks before her 4th birthday. Children’s Roads to Recovery, helped with parking coupons.

Kyralee was diagnosed with Leukemia exactly two weeks before her 4th birthday. She began to loose her hair the Good Friday after her birthday, but her future baldness was undetectable on Easter Sunday. Thanks to our family, friends and even caring strangers Kyralee was made to feel very special through the many gifts, cards and prayers she received. Her father and I were relieved to find all the support given to us by organizations such as CRTR. Their financial support has enabled us to concentrate on Kyralee and forget the surrounding results of her disease.

Kyralee loves to color, paint, cut paper, etc. This picture she colored. She added the birds in the air.

Please give us your support! Together we can help critically ill children along the road to recovery.
When serious illness strikes a child, families suffer financial strain, as well as emotional pain. Children's Roads To Recovery helps by searching out donations, and in kind gifts that provide parents with transportation, lodging and funding for expenses that inevitably occur when families have a critically ill child.
Children's Road to Recovery