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Please click below to read through the details for Eligibility.

Eligibility Guidelines:

The Patient must be 18 years old or younger and a resident of the United States at the time of the application (or when accepted by “Children`s Roads To Recovery, Inc.”).

Pediatric associated applicants whose illness occurred prior to eligible age restriction and have surpassed age eligibility will also be considered.

Patient must be seeking or receiving treatment or have been diagnosed with a life threatening illness that requires treatment in an approved medical institution that participates in the study, treatment, and/or cure of life threatening illnesses or critically injury in the United States of America.

Eligibility for services will be determined using the selection process established by the Board of Directors. * Urgent * Nature of Illness * Funds Needed

Eligible members of the family shall include: patient, mother, father, brother, sister, and/or in special circumstances, other extensions of the family that are deemed eligible (i.e., grandparent or legal guardian).

Patient and family members that are eligible for assistance must sign and date a release form stating that “Children’s Roads To Recovery, Inc.” and/or any individual member of the Board of Directors is not responsible for any loss of life or injury resulting from any or all forms of transportation or related services chosen by “Children’s Roads To Recovery, Inc.” and its individual Board members and service provider(s).

“Children’s Roads To Recovery, Inc.” reserves the right to limit the amount of funds ranted to a patient and/or eligible members during the treatment or longevity of the illness based on information obtained by patient, eligible members, physician or social working staff and availability of funds.

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Process & Procedures

Please click below to read through the steps for Process & Procedures.

Process & Procedures Checklist:

Initial phone call or letter from physician or social worker to Roads To Recovery, Incorporated.

Application and initial screening to be done by the Roads to Recovery President or an executive board member.

Application to be approved based on Eligibility Requirements and Selection Process used in accordance with the Board of Directors.

Upon review of all information three (3) members of the Board of Directors are required to initiate services.

After patient and/or family members eligible for assistance meet eligibility guidelines the following information will be needed:

a) Point of destination
b) Appointment date
c) Appointment time
d) Probable length of stay
e) Lodging arrangements

A designated Board member of Roads To Recovery, Inc. will contact airlines or related service providers to coordinate transportation (air and/or ground) and other related services based on the time frame allowed. Arrangements will be made by the service(s) provider to transport the family to and from closest possible location that the family is departing from.

A designated Board member of Roads to Recovery, Inc. will coordinate ground transportation once family arrives to as the family is aware of where to go (e.g., bus, cab, hospital transport) based on appointment time and or lodging facility to be used (e.g., Ronald McDonald House, Children’s House, or Hotel, etc.).

Provisions for food allowance, personal needs, and special request for services can be coordinated once family has arrived and assessment has been made as to the family’s needs by social worker, and/or physician.

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We believe that every child deserves the chance for a healthy and happy future. Our goal is to provide needed services to as many children as possible. Please give us your support! Together we can help a critically ill child along the road to recovery.

If you would like more information about our organization or would like to become a volunteer, please contact us.

Please give us your support! Together we can help critically ill children along the road to recovery.