
Eric was diagnosed with Acute Lymphatic Leukemia.

Dear Children’s Roads to Recovery, Inc.,                                 

     On September 24,2001, Eric was diagnosed with Acute Lymphatic Leukemia. Prior to this date, Eric was just like any other 11-year-old boy. He was involved in many sporting and social activities. At this point Eric’s life is on hold. He is unable to participate in many of the activites that he once enjoyed so much.  In order to receive his life saving treatment, e must travel over 165 miles each may. Eric has been through so much for a child this young. Children’s Roads to Recovery, Inc. is helping his family by providing gasoline certificates, hospital parking and cafeteria vouchers and long distance phone cards to keep in touch with his younger brother, relatives and friends. 

Please give us your support! Together we can help critically ill children along the road to recovery.
When serious illness strikes a child, families suffer financial strain, as well as emotional pain. Children's Roads To Recovery helps by searching out donations, and in kind gifts that provide parents with transportation, lodging and funding for expenses that inevitably occur when families have a critically ill child.
Children's Road to Recovery